

Escrito por Maio Amarelo

28 ABR 2022 - 12H54

The international lauching has the support of medical trauma societies and governments of several countries

In its 9th edition the 2022 Yellow May Movement ( - created by the OBSERVATÓRIO Nacional de Segurança Viária ( - will have an international lauching next Monday (05/02). Scheduled to start at 8 am in Miami/USA (9 am in Brasília), simultaneously in several countries, through a webinar, with the participation of trauma societies and local governments in several countries.

According to the director-president of the OBSERVATÓRIO, José Aurelio Ramalho, “with this support from Panamerican Trauma Society, coordinating an action on all continents, inviting associations linked to trauma and victim care is very important for the Yellow May movement. This demonstrates that we are increasingly advancing in sectors that we had not reached before. This is very positive for the movement and for the reduction in the number of victims of traffic incidents”, he highlights.

For Dr. Gustavo Fraga, a surgeon, this is an opportunity to draw the attention of the whole of society to the importance of collective engagement for more responsible behavior in traffic, to avoid hundreds to thousands of events that result in traffic injuries and deaths.

“As a health professional, a surgeon who assists trauma victims, the engagement of all health professionals is essential because these traffic victims have a great impact that makes it difficult to provide care in emergency units across the country. These are cases of victims of a disease that, almost completely preventable, who due to distraction and irresponsible behavior will be treated in emergency rooms, generate exams, surgical treatments, hospitalizations in intensive care, etc. In addition to the risk of death that these people have, there are more than 35,000 traffic fatalities each year. So, prevention is the best way when it comes to traffic events and it is important that the entire Brazilian society is engaged in caring for this type of situation”, emphasizes Dr. Gustavo Fraga.

So far, the Yellow May Movement have the support and participation of the following international medical entities:

  • Panamerican Trauma Society (PTS);
  • World Coalition for Trauma Care (WCTC);
  • European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES);
  • World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES);
  • Associação Brasileira de Medicina de Emergência (ABRAMEDE);
  • Lusitanian Association for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ALTEC);
  • Società Italiana di Chirurgia d’Urgenza e del Trauma (SICUT);
  • SBAIT (Brazilian Trauma Society);
  • Trauma Section, Hamad General Hospital, Qatar;
  • Asociación Colombiana de Trauma (ACT);
  • Kosova College of Surgeons;
  • Brazilian Committee of Trauma Leagues (CoBraLT);
  • Croatian Trauma Society;
  • Sociedad Panameña de Trauma;
  • Sociedad de Cirujanos de Chile;
  • Bulgarian Emergency Surgery & Trauma Society (BESTS).

As has been happening for 9 years, the OBSERVATÓRIO is making the material content for this year's "Together we save lives" campaign with the support of its partners (CNT Sest/Senat and Senatran). This campaign is available to the whole society for FREE, in Portuguese, Spanish and English versions so that whoever wants to get involved in the cause, can participate in the Movement in order to have only one slogan and one message.

The supporter will find in the download link this year's official video and three dozen files of the “Together we save lives!” campaign. There are advertising pieces, banners, posters, billboards, busdoor, which all the supporters can add their logo in the material showing their support.

Watch the 2022 Yellow May International launching at:

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Support the Yellow May Movement, download the material, spread the word and make traffic a safer place for everyone!

[button target="_blank" hover_type="default" text_align="center" text="YELLOW MAY 2022" link=""]


Maio Amarelo foca na segurança dos motociclistas em São José dos Campos/SP

O programa Acontece São José, produzido pela prefeitura de São José dos Campos, cidade que serve de sede ao OBSERVATÓRIO Nacional de Segurança Viária, localizada no interior de São Paulo, entrevistou o CEO Paulo Guimarães, que falou sobre a importância das ações de conscientização para o trânsito seguro desenvolvidas durante todo o mês de maio, ressaltando também a cerimônia de encerramento do Maio Amarelo na cidade, que reuniu autoridades, profissionais e apoiadores do Movimento.


Destaques Maio Amarelo 2024 celebra as melhores ações para a redução de sinistros de trânsito

A 7ª Edição do Destaques Maio Amarelo 2024: Paz no trânsito começa por você, foi realizada ontem (14), pelo OBSERVATÓRIO Nacional de Segurança Viária no espaço Arca Eventos, na cidade de São Paulo, e marcou o encerramento do Movimento Maio Amarelo 2024. A cerimônia condecorou as ações que fizeram a diferença pela conscientização e segurança no trânsito este ano.


Rádio Uber Transamérica destaca a relevância do Movimento Maio Amarelo durante a programação

A Rádio Uber Transamérica, uma parceria desenvolvida entre a Uber – empresa mantenedora do OBSERVATÓRIO Nacional de Segurança Viária – e a Rádio Transamérica, para levar temas relacionados ao mercado automotivo, trânsito e a segurança viária aos motoristas parceiros da Uber e ouvintes da rádio, abordou na última semana o tema Maio Amarelo. Contando com a participação de Daniela Gurgel, public affairs do OBSERVATÓRIO Nacional de Segurança Viária para falar sobre a importância do Movimento e o tema trabalhado este ano.

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Por Maio Amarelo, em Notícias

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